There’s been a warning issued to Aston Villa after one of the teenage players of its junior squad lodged his grievance against his coach to the Premier League authorities.

According to that teenager, who is not willing for his name to be made public, the words used by the coach for him and several of his mates were totally unacceptable, insulting and morale-depleting.
The coach under question here is Kevin MacDonald who has taken the charge of even the senior squad of Villa on a temporary basis a couple of times in the past and now it’s interesting what action Villa takes against him after these accusations.
The Premier League has not closed the matter itself yet and is continuing to probe further into the issue as the authorities, who are in charge of the probe, are understood to be not quite content with the answers that Villa officials have come up with on the matter.
The sources suggest that everybody at Villa is looking to keep himself out of this particular matter and there is a deliberate attempt to put the matter under the carpet, but, the Premier League authorities are pretty serious regarding it and are not ready to let it go easily.
It has however been denied from Aston Villa’s side that they have not been providing enough cooperation to Premier League in the probe.
In the words of a Villa official, “The protection of the players’ fundamental rights has always been one of our topmost priorities and we have even gone to the extent of having special officials to take care of that. So there is no reason why we wouldn’t want to work together with the Premier League in this matter to find out the real truth. We are absolutely doing that and will continue to do so.”